A guide to our funeral costs
We understand that for many, the cost of a funeral is difficult to meet, and often not anticipated. Our aim is to offer a flexible approach, while maintaining the highest level of service.
We look to recruit talented, committed staff and ensure we have plenty of time for each client family. Our out-of-hours service is managed by our local staff, and not by a national call centre.
We adhere to all current codes of practice set within the profession. We believe that our charges represent excellent value and will be pleased to discuss them more fully in detail.
Every funeral that we arrange is individual, therefore costs do vary. An accurate description of costs will be given in writing at the time of making the funeral arrangements as part of our code of practice.
Our charges to include professional services, administration, transfer to our Chapel of Rest, care and dressing of deceased, use of rest room, hearse hire and provision of a traditional flat lid coffin start from £2,835.00 for a simple graveside service.
Other costs may include, arranging and conducting a two part service, either at church, or in our chapel then cemetery or crematorium, alternative coffin, shop notices and celebrant if required.
Payment can be made to us by card, cheque, or bank transfer. It is often possible for the whole funeral account to be presented to the deceased's bank who can pay it directly to us if funds allow.
For a full description of the CMA Standardised Price List can be downloaded HERE
A printable PDF copy of our charges can be downloaded HERE
Financial assistance for those in need
We can give general advice regarding Social Security Scotland claims. Social Security Scotland was set up to assist those struggling financially to help cover some of the funeral costs, however each case is considered by Social Security Scotland individually.
If you need further information please click HERE